Harris Campus


Two Services:
Sunday at 8 & 11 AM

Community Groups

9:30 AM


7200 E. WT Harris Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28215

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Mallard Creek Campus


Sunday at 10:00 AM
Spanish Worship at 10:00 AM

Community Groups

8:45 AM


13200 Mallard Creek Road
Charlotte, NC 28262

Latest Sermon



Latin American

Two Locations:

Harris Campus
7424 E. WT Harris Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28227

Mallard Creek Campus
13200 Mallard Creek Rd
Charlotte, NC 28262




Your topic results for 'Culture'

Counter Culture

Author: David Platt

Revised and updated, with a new chapter on the refugee crisis.Welcome to the front lines. Everywhere we turn, battle lines are being drawn―traditional marriage vs. gay marriage, pro-life vs. pro-choice, personal freedom vs. governmental protect...

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Disciplines of a Godly Man

Author: Kent Hughes

This inspiring and best-selling book uses biblical wisdom, engaging illustrations, practical suggestions for daily living, and personal study questions to address the major areas of contemporary Christian manhood. Endorsements: "Discipline is a...

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God and the Transgender Debate

Author: Andrew Walker

What is transgender and gender fluidity? What does God's Word actually say about these issues? How can the gospel be good news for someone experiencing gender dysphoria? How should churches respond?This warm, faithful and careful book helps Christian...

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God's Very Good Idea (Tales That Tell the Truth)

Author: Trillia Newbell

Teach young children how to enjoy being delightfully different yet all part of God's family. God’s very good idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly illustrated journey from the garde...

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Homosexuality and the Bible

Author: Albert Mohler

Homosexuality is now the most controversial issue of debate in American culture — and it is likely to stay that way for a long time. In this short essay, R. Albert Mohler Jr. exposes the biblical truth about homosexuality and equips Christians ...

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The Grand Design: Male and Female He Made Them

Author: Owen Strachan, Gavin Peacock

The world has gone gray-fuzzy, blurry, gender-neutral gray. In a secularist culture, many people today are confused about what it means to be a man or a woman. In The Grand Design, Strachan and Peacock clear away the confusion and open up the Sc...

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