ListenDownloadWatchNotesPDFJan 08, 2023Mark: An Introduction - HCMark: An IntroductionCampus: Harris CampusPastor: Clint Pressley
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ListenDownloadWatchNotesPDFJan 15, 2023New Year, New You - HCNew Year, New YouPassage: Mark 1:1-8Campus: Harris CampusPastor: Clint Pressley
ListenDownloadWatchNotesPDFJan 15, 2023New Year, New You - MCCNew Year, New YouPassage: Mark 1:1-8Campus: Mallard Creek CampusPastor: Clint Pressley
ListenDownloadWatchNotesPDFJan 22, 2023Hope and Help - HCHope and HelpPassage: Mark 1:9-13Campus: Harris CampusPastor: Clint Pressley